Shaftesbury may become safer under a new ‘Ward Watch’ scheme, which encourages neighbourhood watches to work together.

At present, neighbourhood watches are set up on an ad hoc basis, only covering isolated pockets.

The pilot scheme, aims to change this by getting every road in Shaftesbury ward signed up to a neighbourhood watch group. It is hoped that by encouraging the whole local community to work together safety will improve.

Schools, businesses and pubs will be encouraged to get involved and the fire service and council will be taking a wider approach to prevent crime.

This may include installing gates, cutting overgrown hedges, improving lighting and carrying out regular fire safety checks.

Depending on crime figures and local feedback, which will be closely monitored, the scheme may roll out to other areas of Battersea in the near future.

For more information visit neighbourhoodwatch.

Based on information supplied by Clare Buchanan.