I could well be; but no! I am not talking about the legendary American singer-songwriter Roy Orbison, but of course the equally impassioned and enigmatic orangutan. Last Thursday was ‘Orange for Orangutan Day’ aimed at spreading the word about the plight facing orangutans and their rainforest homes.

The concept is a simple one – go orange to raise awareness and funds for the conservation of orangutans and their habitat. Going orange involved everything from wearing orange clothing, dying your hair orange, holding an orange party or; as we did at our weekly market day, having an orange cake sale.

The cake sale was organised by one of our university societies – The Roehampton Rainforest Conservation Society. Student volunteers baked some goodies and these were sold to staff and students to raise funds towards conservation. A big thank you to everyone who came down and supported the events.

Joel Williams is the Grower for the University of Roehampton Students’ Union’s Growhampton project