Walking down Battersea High Street this morning, I was surprised to see an 'TO LET', sign fixed to temporary hoardings.

On a building not yet built. Where once the Castle Pub once stood.

Will we see back in Battersea, a new vibrant sense of social enjoyment in pleasant surroundings that shows off the community need of getting together, that once the previous Castle Pub did?

A mecca for New Zealanders & Australians to arrival and feel welcome.

Can we see "The Return of the Castle", once again become a much needed centre for lively music and happier times?

Where while you wait to get a table up the road, at the London House, in Battersea Square.

There will always be a space in the sunshine outside on the pavement, on a glorious British summer's evening.

Or it will become a posh restaurant-gastro pub of some sort?

David W. Evans, Battersea