Two school mums who live in Wandsworth are attempting an ultra marathon to raise money for a primary school.

Victoria Boxall-Hunt, 47, and Tracey Barnes, 42, are taking part in the 100km London to Brighton Ultra Marathon to raise money for Floreat Primary School, Garratt Lane.

The marathon begins at Richmond Park at 6am on Saturday, May 26 and it will take around 18 hours for the pair to get to Brighton, through a combination of running, walking and ‘shuffling’.

Their fundraising target is £5,000 and so far they have raised £3,562.

The school community at Floreat is rallying behind the pair, donating sponsorship money and volunteering to be a support crew on the day of the marathon as well as organising fundraising nights to raise money.

Victoria, who works at Marcol as a group operations director, said: “We really want to be active role models for our children and all the children at Floreat Wandsworth whilst raising money for the school for sports and outdoor equipment.

“We are so lucky to be supported by our families and our great school and local community.

“We are also super excited for the winter training to finish. We have had enough of the freezing rain, wind and snow, bring on the spring!”

Victoria’s son Charlie, and Tracey’s daughter Amelia are in year two at the school which opened three years ago as well as Victoria’s daughter Libby who is in reception.

Victoria and her husband, searched for primary schools for son Charlie four years ago and loved the close proximity of purpose built Floreat, having lived on Atheledene Road, Earlsfield for eight years.

Lots of children live on their road, and they loved the sense of community that could be brought by all the children attending the school.

For this reason, they decided to give the newly built school that had no sports equipment, no art supplies and an empty library a chance.

In preparation for the challenge, they have followed a strict training regime consisting of weight training during the week, long walks or runs at the weekend and in October 2017, the pair did a half marathon.

Their husbands and children have been supportive, with Victoria’s children greeting her with balloons after she finished a 50k training run on Easter Monday.

After the marathon on Saturday, May 26, the pair will stay over in Brighton and recover from the challenge.

To sponsor Victoria and Tee, visit their local giving page: